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Responsible Management

Social Responsibility

      China Networks Group has always been in solidarity with the destiny of the country and the nation, and based on the corporate mission of "Promoting the progress of the times with commercial success", it actively undertakes social responsibility while developing itself. It integrates social responsibility into its products and services, promotes scientific and technological innovation and cultural inheritance, helps various industries to upgrade, and promotes the sustainable development of the society. China Networks Group believes that business success should not only be based on the requirement of sustainable business model to realize balanced development, but also on the requirement of environmental sustainability to realize green development, and will eventually be based on the requirement of human sustainability to realize harmonious development. The Group's social responsibility work, through the above aspects, leads business innovation, promotes industry advancement and serves social development, thus building a long-lasting business and promoting the progress of the times.

Social Responsibility Promotion Model

      We take the corporate mission of "Promoting the Progress of the Times through Business Success" as the driving force for comprehensively promoting social responsibility, transcending innovation, exploring the future, and integrating social responsibility into corporate decision-making and daily operation through systematic promotional programs, as well as making breakthroughs in enhancing risk prevention and control capability, comprehensive value creation capability, brand reputation and influence, so as to help the Group realize its overall goal of "building a world enterprise with international competitiveness". to help the Group realize its overall goal of "building a world enterprise with international competitiveness".

Mission and Values

China Networks Group adheres to a global code of conduct. Ethical management is not only a way of doing business in response to the rapid changes in the global business environment, but also one of the ways to build trust with various stakeholders such as customers, shareholders, employees, business partners and local communities. China Networks Group continuously trains its employees and implements a monitoring system while practicing fair and transparent corporate governance norms. China Networks Group is guided by a simple business philosophy: to contribute to the building of a better society by investing talent and technology in the creation of quality products and services. To achieve this goal, China Networks Group places a high value on people and technology. Adherence to core values is the key to conducting good business. Therefore, these core values, together with a strict code of conduct, form the core of every decision made by China Networks Group. As a leading global Internet technology group, China Networks Group demonstrates its commitment to corporate social responsibility. These principles also form the basis of China Networks Group's Code of Ethics, fulfillment of its CSR and Global Code of Conduct.

Accountability Report