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Brand Identity

China Networks Group

The logo of China Networks Group carries far-reaching meanings, demonstrating the Group's outstanding position and global influence in the Internet field. The specific meanings are as follows: 1. Center circle: This core circle symbolizes China's leading position in the field of wireless network technology, representing the core of technology and the hub position of the network. It not only symbolizes the technical strength of China Networks Group, but also demonstrates the Group's central position in technological innovation. 2. Two extended wireless signals: These two extended wireless signals symbolize the spread and expansion of network technology to the world, representing the international influence and coverage of China Networks technology. They symbolize the rapid dissemination of information and data around the world, reflecting the Group's global vision and international strategy. 3. Outer C: The outer C shape represents China, demonstrating China's important role in the global Internet arena. This C is not only a letter, but also a symbol of China Networks Group as a representative of the country in the international science and technology arena. The Group Logo fully conveys the corporate culture and strategic vision of China Networks Group in a simple yet powerful design. It perfectly integrates the three elements of technological core, global communication and national image through the center circle, the outward extending wireless signal and the C representing China, demonstrating the Group's leadership and influence in the field of wireless network technology. Through this logo, China Networks Group demonstrates to the world its outstanding strength in the field of technology and its spirit of continuous innovation. It not only conveys the Group's corporate values and mission, but also reflects China's dynamic development and rise in the global technology sector.

Interpretation of the Logo
Outer ring C

The C in the outer circle of the Group's logo is the initial capital letter of "China", which has a profound meaning: not only is it a national symbol reflecting the Group's close ties with China, but it also conveys a sense of national pride and demonstrates China's strength in the field of Internet technology. C also indicates that the Group will adhere to the national characteristics in its globalization vision and build a world-class network group.

Color Applications

China Networks Group's logo is in red, a color choice that not only symbolizes the vitality of China and the country, but also conveys the Group's passion, drive and innovation in wireless network technology. The combination of red, a traditional Chinese cultural element, reflects the Group's respect for traditional culture and its pursuit of modern technological development.

Center Circle

The center dot in the logo of China Networks Group is located in the visual core, symbolizing the Group's leadership and technological core in the field of wireless network technology. It represents the leading role of technological innovation, embodies the Group's extreme pursuit of technical excellence and service perfection, and demonstrates to the world the Group's outstanding achievements in the field of Internet technology.

Wireless Surround

The design of the wireless network encircling the Group's Logo has far-reaching meanings: it symbolizes the global dissemination and expansion of network technology, emphasizes the ability of connectivity and communication, embodies the pursuit of technological innovation and continuous progress, and demonstrates the Group's brand image of science and technology, innovation, and internationalization, and highlights the Group's leading position in the global Internet sector.

Overall characteristics

China Networks Group's logo is in red, symbolizing enthusiasm and prosperity. The center circle represents the core position of the Group in wireless network technology, the two extended wireless network arcs symbolize the spread of technology to the world, and the outer "C" shape highlights China Networks Group's important role and influence in global technology.

Corporate Culture Philosophy

Leading scientific and technological innovation, diversified development with global vision

I. Science and technology innovation at the core: leading the industry and promoting social progress The Group occupies a central position in science and technology, reflecting the fact that the Group regards science and technology innovation as the core driving force for enterprise development. In the Internet field, only through continuous innovation can we stand invincible in the fierce market competition. Therefore, China Networks Group always puts science and technology innovation in the first place and devotes itself to continuous exploration and breakthroughs in wireless network technology, products and services, making remarkable contributions to the promotion of the development of Internet information and gaining wide recognition internationally.
II. Global Vision and Internationalization Strategy: Global Business Coverage and Worldwide Service China Networks Group's business covers the whole world and provides reliable Internet services for the whole world. This is not only a description of the Group's business development, but also an embodiment of its global vision and internationalization strategy in its corporate culture philosophy. Against the backdrop of globalization, China Networks Group actively embraces the trend of globalization and is committed to bringing advanced network technology products and services to the global market. The Group actively expands overseas markets and establishes strategic cooperative relationships with world-renowned enterprises to jointly promote the development of wireless network technology. At the same time, the Group also cultivates the international vision and cross-cultural communication skills of its employees, providing a strong talent guarantee for the international development of the enterprise.
III. Business Diversification: Covering a wide range of fields and meeting diversified needs China Networks Group is a comprehensive enterprise with diversified businesses, which not only covers network technology, high-tech products and comprehensive Internet services, but also involves a wide range of fields such as tourism, shopping, medical care and education. This business diversification strategy not only enables the Group to meet the diversified needs of different customers, but also provides it with more opportunities and advantages in market competition. The Group focuses on innovation and optimization in each of its business areas in order to provide higher quality services and products to meet the ever-changing needs of its customers.
IV. National responsibility and social mission: practicing social responsibility and serving national development China Networks Group adheres to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era, comprehensively implements the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the CPC and the 19th Plenums, and conscientiously carries out the work deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council. This reflects the Group's deep sense of national responsibility and strong sense of social mission. The Group is not only committed to promoting the development of the industry, but also actively participates in public welfare undertakings, practicing corporate social responsibility with practical actions. At the same time, the Group also focuses on serving the national development, and contributes more power to promote the development of wireless network technology in China and the world.
V. Innovation-driven development and righteousness-keeping innovation: persistent innovation and steady progress Innovation is the core driving force for the development of China Networks Group. The Group adheres to the strategy of innovation-driven development, and constantly makes innovative attempts and breakthroughs in technology research and development, product design and marketing. At the same time, the Group also focuses on innovation, i.e., innovation on the basis of maintaining steady development. This philosophy of "keeping things on track" has enabled the Group to maintain business stability while continuously seeking new growth points and competitive advantages.
Sixth, people-oriented: to build an excellent team to achieve common development In China Networks Group's corporate culture concept, people-oriented is one of the core. The Group knows that an excellent corporate culture cannot be separated from the support of an excellent team. Therefore, the Group always pays attention to the cultivation and development of talents, and is committed to building a high-quality, professional team. The Group provides employees with a perfect training system and a broad space for career development, so that employees can realize their self-worth in continuous learning and growth.
      The corporate culture philosophy of China Networks Group is a unique and profound set of values and code of conduct. It takes technological innovation as its core driving force, upholds a global vision and internationalization strategy; diversifies its business to meet a wide range of needs; actively fulfills its national responsibility and social mission; adheres to the equal importance of innovation-driven development and righteousness-guarding innovation; and focuses on people-centered team building to achieve common development. These concepts not only reflect the unique charm of China Networks Group as a leading enterprise in the field of wireless network technology, but also inject a strong impetus for its sustainable development in the global market. In the future development, China Networks Group will continue to adhere to these concepts and continue to pursue excellence and innovation to promote the development of wireless network technology in China and the world, as well as the sustained and healthy development of the economy and society to make greater contributions.